Saturday 23 November 2013

Fashion: Men wear scarves too

A scarf is a simple rectangle of fabric and affords a man a rare opportunity to express his style. Wearing a scarf is not effeminate, it is manly too.  Also, a scarf adds a strong element of style, and introduces colour to an otherwise bland outfit

Scarves are typically made from wool, cashmere, cotton, linen, silk, synthetic materials, or a combination.  Weave is very important as bulky scarves made from thick yarns require simple knots and are not as practical. Most men’s scarves are approximately 10 inches wide, 70 inches long, and made from either a solid or patterned cut of cloth designed to wrap around the neck.
However, in less functional roles such as wearing a light-weight scarf indoors in lieu of a necktie, the man doing so needs to be very comfortable in his own personal style.

Keep it simple and only tie knots you are comfortable wearing. Note that   scarf length and thickness can limit knot style options.   Always keep your scarf loose as it isn’t a necktie.

To buy a scarf
•The first step is to make sure that the scarf is somewhat matching the rest of your outfit, otherwise it will just look wrong.
•According to, buy colourful scarves to inject some colour into your life. Too scared of colour? Begin with a good quality grey cashmere scarf. It is very stylish and matches everything.
•Long is good, because if it’s too short you want be able to wrap it.

To wear a scarf
There are many other variations but it should all depend on your comfort level and creativity.

•Scarf drape
Simply drape the scarf over the neck and the front of your chest under your overcoat.  No actual tying happens in this one, so it’s a loose way of wearing a scarf meant more for ornamentation than actual warmth.  It works well if you are wearing a suit or sports jacket with a deep V-shaped front.

•Overhand knot
This is simple to learn but you have to determine how low or high to wear it. Normally, it hangs a bit more loose around the neck than other knots/wraps.

•Fake knot
The fake knot looks more elaborate than it is.  As its name indicates, it uses a bit of deception to achieve the desired look.  This knot shows up best with a patterned scarf or a scarf with a thicker weave.  Use a medium length scarf without a problem.

•Classic flip
Wrap around your neck and then fling one end of the scarf over one shoulder and leave the other one hanging.

•Loose once around knot
Drape the scarf around your neck and allow one end to be longer than the other.  Take the long end and bring it around your neck and let it fall over your chest. Loosen the knot afterwards or if you have a shorter scarf you can keep it tight.

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